
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

US wants to paint the world white to save energy

US Energy Secretary Steven Chu, seen here in April 2009, said Tuesday the Obama administration wanted to paint roofs an energy-reflecting white, as he took part in a climate change symposium in London.

LONDON(AFP) (AFP) - US Energy Secretary Steven Chu said Tuesday the Obama administration wanted to paint roofs an energy-reflecting white, as he took part in a climate change symposium in London.

The Nobel laureate in physics called for a "new revolution" in energy generation to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

But he warned there was no silver bullet for tackling climate change, and said a range of measures should be introduced, including painting flat roofs white.

Making roads and roofs a paler colour could have the equivalent effect of taking every car in the world off the road for 11 years, Chu said.

It was a geo-engineering scheme that was "completely benign" and would keep buildings cooler and reduce energy use from air conditioning, as well as reflecting sunlight back away from the Earth.

For people who found white hard on the eye, scientists had also developed "cool colours" which looked to the human eye like normal ones, but reflect heat like pale colours even if they are darker shades.

And painting cars in cool or light colours could deliver considerable savings on energy use for air conditioning units, he said.

Speaking at the start of a symposium on climate change hosted by the Prince of Wales and attended by more than 20 Nobel laureates, Chu said fresh thinking was required to cut the amount of carbon created by power generation.

He said: "The industrial revolution was a revolution in the use of energy. It offloaded from human and animal power into using fossil fuels.

"We have to go to a different new revolution that can severely decrease the amount of carbon emissions in the generation of energy."

Monday, May 18, 2009

GiAnT CaTFiSh!!

A kind of catfish has been suspected to be genetic in mutation size is very large and egregious. This Fish is now become the object of research scientists in Nepal and India.

This giant catfish, called a goonch, is suspected to grow great food after obtaining human bodies that are removed in the Great Kali river, where fish is arrested.

Fish that have been in mutation now in a biologist Jeremy Wade. Wade examine a giant catfish that for television & akan Five running television station in the near future.

"The local told me a theory that this monster has grown outside the usual big meal because the rest of the cremation. Perhaps they enjoy eating meat after human remains of the corpses "said Wade.

"It's likely there are a few that grow larger than the other & if you provide your food more, then they will grow larger again" he said.

Initially, Wade thought the crocodile eat the remains of corpses page. However, the theory was changed after he shifts attention to the goonch, a type of freshwater fish in the world.

He then captures them in a do 55 kg weight is estimated at 2m long. Weight and size of this can be called a world record because it is much heavier and larger than catfish ever caught before. "If this fish catch you, you will not be escaped," sahutnya.

For years, residents along the Great Times sure have a monster hiding in the river that flows in the India-Nepal border this.

However, they assume this monster always move along the river and mengincar people bathing in the river is. Years ago, teenagers 18 years of Nepal missing after a river in tow to by something described as' the length of the pig '.

Goonch first victims of this attack is a young man aged 17 years who also come from Nepal. He died after bathing in the river, set April 1988.

The witnesses said they saw the young man as drawn by something in a strong river. Three months after that incident, a child in tow to the water, while his father can see not only the wall

Other versions of giant catfish man eater

Great Kali Gandaki River is a river which is located on the border between India and Nepal. Stream of water from the source in the Himalaya Mountains in the height of 3600 mdpl.

The beauty of this river is no need to doubt. Unfortunately, a Legend frightening about the human eater monster, haunt the villages located in this area. Make people reluctant to play in the bath or around the water.

Genesis is the first terror of the ferocious creature of the river that occurred in April 1988. Nepal when a young man just entering the river, directly drawn by "things" and simply disappeared.

Three months criss, a son who is being bathed in the Kali River with his father, suddenly in the attack and the drag into the water. The father can only cry and can not do anything.

After that, events like this happen repeatedly to haunt the people living in the vicinity of the flow of river Kali. Even a few years, reports on the loss of a bath in the River Kali increasing.

Population and begin berargumentasi confused about the type of organism that lived there. Some people believe there is a set of crocodile living in the water. However, after investigation, it appeared that the community does not have a crocodile living in the area.

Finally, in 2007, a Nepali youth aged 18 years who are swimming in the river was drawn by mysterious monster, and so it disappeared from the surface of the water. According to witnesses who witnessed the incident, the form of a monster like that very large-sized pigs.

Goonch Fish, Lele cannibal

Pain's population finally missed when an expert from the British biologist Jeremy Wade called to do research on Kali River and find the answer to that surprising.

Wade found the fact that man is a monster eater is in fact a kind of giant catfish (Giant Cat Fish), which have experienced changes in DNA as they often eat the corpse dihanyutkan to the river after the first burned in a traditional burial rituals of the local community that is known by the name of a ritual Bagmati.

"Fish is a kind of endemic species of fish this river. However, as has been decades eat meat dihanyutkan corpses through the river, the fish is changed into the genetic distance larger than actual size.

They become addicted, and began to make human flesh into the main menu. So if there is no old funeral ritual, the fish became violent and attacked the man, "Wade explains.

In research, Jeremy Wade also successfully catch a catfish human flesh predator with the size of 1.8 meter and 73 kilogram weight range.

According to Wade, if the size of fish when the man attacked in the water, the little possibility of the victim to save himself. Wade ago named giant catfish is the name Goonch Fish.

Research trip to investigate when Jeremy Wade catfish eater man in River Kali Dakali has been in the documentation and will be shown first on October 21 later in one of the UK television station (Channel 5) with the title "Water Monster meat eater man."

Predator of Huadu's Furong

Not only in the Mekong River there is only type of giant catfish. Recently, in the Huadu's Furong Reservoir, China, going trepidation. During this time, in a year always occur only a few cases people drowned and lost in the mysterious reservoir that.

But finally the mystery that has been missed. Local residents succeeded in capturing a giant catfish the size of the body length reaches 3 meters and a width of around 1 meter. Gilanya again, when people rip the belly of the fish, they find "the remnants" of a man in the body of the fish ..

However, because local government is concerned this incident will impact on the tourism area, they work hard to ensure that events are not widely terpublikasi. But some tourists had come and perpetuate the image catfish pemangsa people with their mobile phone.

Some people think fish is a type of fish or Catfish Waking clarius batrachus (walking catfish). But that can not yet explain how the catfish may be sized centimeters can be so big.

When this community, both local and foreign tourists are not allowed to swim in the Huadu's Furong Reservoir. Many people estimate there is still a kind of fish that live in the reservoir, ready to prey people who swim there.

Giant Mekong River

The Mekong River is one of the main rivers in the world save a lot of different types of giant fish. Mekong River is a longest river to-12 in the world, and to the 10-largest in volume (to remove the water 475km ³ per year), he fills the area of 795,000 km ² of Tibet he flows through China's Yunnan province, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and vietnam.

All except China and Myanmar into the Mekong River Commission. Due to seasonal variations that differ in the flow and the "rapid" and waterfalls make navigation extremely difficult.

According to the researchers, this river is home to various types of freshwater fish giant. The most famous is the Mekong Giant Cat Fish. Type of giant catfish are living along the Mekong River which flows across several countries in Asia are.

In 2005, a Muangthai fishermen catch giant catfish of Grizzly bears in the Mekong River. Fish this size range with a 2.7 meter reach 646 pounds heavier.

Indeed, catching huge catfish in the Mekong River is not that strange. Have repeatedly local fishermen get huge catfish in the rivers. However, there is not likely to rival the size of the catfish that are arrested fishermen Muangthai.

Not Predator

With different cases in the River Kali in Nepal and Reservoir in Huadu's Forung China, there are no reports that indicate that the giant catfish in the Mekong River is pemangsa man.

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), a world body that moves in the field of conservation of natural resources have been entering data and save the existence of giant catfish from the Mekong River as a kind of rare animals and the water toward extinction.

Type of giant catfish, the attention has also been interesting WWF (Worl Wildlife Fund) and National Geografic Society. Ke2 organization is being jointly plan the protection of species of the fish.

Indeed, we are affraid if imagine the presence of those human flesh predator. We certainly will be if carefull swimming in rivers and freshwater lakes.

The question is how they can be a cannibal eats human & hooked?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

NoT A ReSpOnSiBLe PaReNt!! DoN't Do ThiS 2 Ur ChiLd!!

Ini Dia, Mobil Ambulans Termewah dari BMW

Mau tahu seperti apa mobil ambulans yang mewah?

Biasanya mobil ambulans dari rumah sakit adalah sesuatu yang tidak diperhatikan, namun mobil darurat bagi orang sakit atau orang meninggal ini kini telah menjadi “barang mewah”. Hal ini dikarenakan kreativitas perusahaan mobil ternama, BMW yang telah menciptakan inovasi mobil ambulans terbaru menggunakan seri baru mobil BMW-nya.

Mobile model X6 tingkat tinggi dengan tipe xDrive50i inilah yang menjadi andalan BMW, yang khusus dibuat untuk desain mobile ambulans. Model mobil BMW terbaru ini telah diubah ke dalam bentuk mobil ambulans dengan fitur peralatan darurat yang dibutuhkan, bersama dengan lampu darurat visual eksternal.

Mobil BMW X6 tipe xDrive50i ini memiliki mesin 4.2-liter V8, yang mampu memproduksi tenaga maksimum 407 bhp. Mobile model BMW X6 tipe xDrive50i ini juga dapat berjalan dengan kecepatan 0 hingga 60 mph dalam waktu 5.4 detik, dan memiliki top speed 155mph. Sedangkan untuk emisi gas yang dihasilkan mencapai emisi gas CO2 299g per km. Mobil ambulans BMW X6 tipe xDrive50i ini juga akan ditampilkan dalam pameran kendaraan, RETTmobil di Jerman.(h_n)

Sumber :


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Laksamana Ceng Ho Penemu Benua Amerika Bukan Columbus??

Laksamana Cheng Ho,Penemu Benua Amerika Yang Pertama...

Sekitar 70 tahun sebelum Columbus menancapkan benderanya di daratan Amerika, Laksamana Zheng He sudah lebih dulu datang ke sana. Para peserta seminar yang diselenggarakan oleh Royal Geographical Society di London beberapa waktu lalu dibuat terperangah. Adalah seorang ahli kapal selam dan sejarawan bernama Gavin Menzies dengan paparannya dan lantas mendapat perhatian besar.

Tampil penuh percaya diri, Menzies menjelaskan teorinya tentang pelayaran terkenal dari pelaut mahsyur asal Cina, Laksamana Zheng He (kita mengenalnya dengan Ceng Ho-red). Bersama bukti-bukti yang ditemukan dari catatan sejarah, dia lantas berkesimpulan bahwa pelaut serta navigator ulung dari masa dinasti Ming itu adalah penemu awal benua Amerika, dan bukannya Columbus.

Bahkan menurutnya, Zheng He 'mengalahkan' Columbus dengan rentang waktu sekitar 70 tahun. Apa yang dikemukakan Menzies tentu membuat kehebohan lantaran masyarakat dunia selama ini mengetahui bahwa Columbus-lah si penemu benua Amerika pada sekitar abad ke-15. Pernyataan Menzies ini dikuatkan dengan sejumlah bukti sejarah. Adalah sebuah peta buatan masa sebelum Columbus memulai ekspedisinya lengkap dengan gambar benua Amerika serta sebuah peta astronomi milik Zheng He yang dosodorkannya sebagai barang bukti itu. Menzies menjadi sangat yakin setelah meneliti akurasi benda-benda bersejarah itu.

Kapal Laksamana Cheng Ho

''Laksana inilah yang semestinya dianugerahi gelar sebagai penemu pertama benua Amerika,'' ujarnya. Menzies melakukan kajian selama lebih dari 14 tahun. Ini termasuk penelitian peta-peta kuno, bukti artefak dan juga pengembangan dari teknologi astronomi modern seperti melalui program software Starry Night.

Dari bukti-bukti kunci yang bisa mengubah alur sejarah ini, Menzies mengatakan bahwa sebagian besar peta maupun tulisan navigasi Cina kuno bersumber pada masa pelayaran Laksamana Zheng He. Penjelajahannya hingga mencapai benua Amerika mengambil waktu antara tahun 1421 dan 1423. Sebelumnya armada kapal Zheng He berlayar menyusuri jalur selatan melewati Afrika dan sampai ke Amerika Selatan.

Uraian astronomi pelayaran Zheng He kira-kira menyebut, pada larut malam saat terlihat bintang selatan sekitar tanggal 18 Maret 1421, lokasi berada di ujung selatan Amerika Selatan. Hal tersebut kemudian direkonstruksi ulang menggunakan software Starry Night dengan membandingkan peta pelayaran Zheng He.

"Saya memprogram Starry Night hingga masa di tahun 1421 serta bagian dunia yang diperkirakan pernah dilayari ekspedisi tersebut," ungkap Menzies yang juga ahli navigasi dan mantan komandan kapal selam angkatan laut Inggris ini. Dari sini, dia akhirnya menemukan dua lokasi berbeda dari pelayaran ini berkat catatan astronomi (bintang) ekspedisi Zheng He.

Lantas terjadi pergerakan pada bintang-bintang ini, sesuai perputaran serta orientasi bumi di angkasa. Akibat perputaran bumi yang kurang sempurna membuat sumbu bumi seolah mengukir lingkaran di angkasa setiap 26 ribu tahun. Fenomena ini, yang disebut presisi, berarti tiap titik kutub membidik bintang berbeda selama waktu berjalan. Menzies menggunakan software untuk merekonstruksi posisi bintang-bintang seperti pada masa tahun 1421.

"Kita sudah memiliki peta bintang Cina kuno namun masih membutuhkan penanggalan petanya," kata Menzies. Saat sedang bingung memikirkan masalah ini, tiba-tiba ditemukanlah pemecahannya. "Dengan kemujuran luar biasa, salah satu dari tujuan yang mereka lalui, yakni antara Sumatra dan Dondra Head, Srilanka, mengarah ke barat."

Bagian dari pelayaran tersebut rupanya sangat dekat dengan garis katulistiwa di Samudera Hindia. Adapun Polaris, sang bintang utara, dan bintang selatan Canopus, yang dekat dengan lintang kutub selatan, tercantum dalam peta. "Dari situ, kita berhasil menentukan arah dan letak Polaris. Sehingga selanjutnya kita bisa memastikan masa dari peta itu yakni tahun 1421, plus dan minus 30 tahun."

Atas temuan tersebut, Phillip Sadler, pakar navigasi dari Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, mengatakan perkiraan dengan menggunakan peta kuno berdasarkan posisi bintang amatlah dimungkinkan. Dia juga sepakat bahwa estimasi waktu 30 tahun, seperti dalam pandangan Menzies, juga masuk akal.

Sang penjelajah ulung
Selama ini, masyarakat dunia mengetahui kiprah Zheng He sebagai penjelajah ulung. Dia terlahir di Kunyang, kota yang berada di sebelah barat daya Propinsi Yunan, pada tahun 1371. Keluarganya yang bernama Ma, adalah bagian dari warga minoritas Semur. Mereka berasal dari kawasan Asia Tengah serta menganut agama Islam. Ayah dan kakek Zheng He diketahui pernah mengadakan perjalanan haji ke Tanah Suci Makkah. Sementara Zheng He sendiri tumbuh besar dengan banyak mengadakan perjalanan ke sejumlah wilayah. Ia adalah Muslim yang taat.

Yunan adalah salah satu wilayah terakhir pertahanan bangsa Mongol, yang sudah ada jauh sebelum masa dinasti Ming. Pada saat pasukan Ming menguasai Yunan tahun 1382, Zheng He turut ditawan dan dibawa ke Nanjing. Ketika itu dia masih berusia 11 tahun. Zheng He pun dijadikan sebagai pelayan putra mahkota yang nantinya menjadi kaisar bernama Yong Le. Nah kaisar inilah yang memberi nama Zheng He hingga akhirnya dia menjadi salah satu panglima laut paling termashyur di dunia.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Montauk Monster is Found!

Untuk kedua kalinya, seekor monster terseret ombak dan terdampar di Long Island, Amerika.
Monster ini dinamakan "Montauk Monster" karena lokasi ditemukan mayatnya dekat dengan kawasan business Montauk di New York.

banyak teori, salah satunya adalah bahwa monster ini adalah hasil eksperimentasi dari Plum Island Animal Centre, sebuah lab yang gosipnya tempat riset & eksperimen terhadap binatang dan makhluk2 lainnya.



sangking hebohnya sampe ada website sendiri:

ada juga di youtube:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

InDoneSia GiTu LocHH..

Di Indonesia Tak Direspons, Di Jepang Malah Populer..Padahal Asli Produk Indonesia

Dr Bambang Widiatmoko M.Eng.(47) adalah peneliti yang telah menghasilkan karya bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, dan diakui dunia internasional. Sayang, perhatian negara untuknya terkesan kurang.

Bisa dibayangkan rumitnya, bagaimana sebuah sinar, apalagi sinar laser, dapat dicacah menggunakan alat temuan Bambang.Temuan tersebut dinamakan Optical Frequency Comb Generator (OFCG), yakni pembangkit sisiran frekuensi optik.

Ini alat pencacah sinar laser yang lazim digunakan di perusahaan berbasis fiber optic. Temuannya itu juga telah dipakai berbagai industri komunikasi di Jepang.

Berkat temuannya tersebut, akhir November tahun lalu Bambang diberi penghargaan berupa medali dari The Habibie Center (THC), yayasan yang bergerak di bidang Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi. Bambang dinilai sangat berjasa sebagai peneliti teknologi, khususnya ilmu rekayasa.

Peran Bambang dalam ilmu perekayasaan memang cukup banyak. Apalagi, dalam penelitian sinar laser. Di mancanegara, Bambang dikenal sebagai pakar laser. Dia mengaku kerap dikontak para peneliti asing yang mengembangkan penelitian tentang laser.

Selama 13 tahun belajar di Tokyo Institute of Technology, Jepang, untuk program S-2 hingga doktor, pria kelahiran Boyolali itu mencatatkan 30 paten di Negeri Sakura tersebut. Kebanyakan berbasis laser. “Sebagian temuan saya juga saya daftarkan ke Amerika Serikat dan Eropa. Selain itu, masih ada temuan saya yang belum dipatenkan,” katanya. Karya terbesar Bambang adalah OFCG.

Menurut Bambang, dulu para peneliti sama sekali tak terpikir bagaimana mencacah sinar laser menjadi ribuan sinar baru. Sebab, memecah sinar adalah pekerjaan sulit. Bila satu sinar yang dipancarkan perlu satu transmitor, kalau memancarkan banyak sinar, tentu juga perlu banyak transmitor. “Dulu alat-alat yang dibutuhkan untuk memancarkan itu bisa sebesar ruangan ini,” ungkap Bambang sambil merentangkan tangan menunjuk luasnya ruangan sekitar 16 meter persegi itu.

Dia menggambarkan, betapa ribetnya mencacah sinar laser saat itu. Alat itu, lanjut Bambang, dibikin pada 2000, saat dia baru lulus doktor.

Bambang pun mencoba berinovasi. Empat tahun berselang, berkat ketekunannya, Bambang berhasil menciptakan alat pencacah sinar laser yang hanya sebesar jari kelingking. Ini sebagai produk dasar. Dua tahun lalu dia menyempurnakan temuannya agar bisa diproduksi secara masal. Di tangan bapak dua anak itu, pemancar sinar tersebut disempurnakan dan ukurannya menjadi sebesar kotak P3K.

Bambang mengaku, temuannya itu terinspirasi oleh tiga peraih nobel fisika 2005. Mereka adalah Roy J Gluber, peneliti Harvard University; John L Hall, peneliti University of Colorado, dan Theodor W Hansch, fisikawan Max Planck dari Institut fur Quantenoptik Garching, Jerman. Dua nama terakhir merupakan karib Bambang dalam melaksanakan riset-riset fisika. ’’Rekayasa pencacah laser ini satu-satunya di dunia. Di Indonesia belum terpikir pemanfaatan alat tersebut,” ungkapnya.

Ketika masih di Jepang, Bambang memproduksi masal alat ciptannya tersebut. Bahkan, dia juga mendirikan perusahaan ventura bernama Optocomb. Bambang menggandeng dua sahabatnya. Alat yang dipasarkan itu berseri BK625SM. BK merupakan gabungan inisial Bambang (B) dan Kourogi (K). Kourogi adalah karib Bambang di Jepang. ’’Dulu saya sebagai perekayasa sekaligus pemasarnya,” jelasnya. Di perusahaan itu Bambang menjadi direktur.

Meskipun banyak uang mengucur ke kantongnya, pembawaan Bambang tetap sederhana. Dia tetap menyadari bahwa penelitian adalah fondasi hidupnya. Setelah balik ke tanah air tiga tahun lalu dan bekerja di laboratorium LIPI Serpong, Bambang perlahan melepaskan perusahaannya di Jepang.“Sekarang perusahaan itu sudah amat berkembang. Saya sudah lepas dari perusahaan. Tapi, kalau mau main-main ke Jepang tinggal kontak. Semua sudah disiapkan,” ujarnya.

Bambang mengaku amat terinspirasi dengan budaya orang Jepang. “Di Jepang itu banyak lab yang berdiri di ruko-ruko. Budaya penelitian di sana amat tinggi. Kalau di sini hanya pintar jual,” jelasnya.***

Bambang pernah juga menghasilkan karya besar lain, yakni pendeteksi tsunami berbasis laser. “Alat buatan saya itu kini sudah dimanfaatkan di Jepang. Ditanam di dasar laut perairan Jepang. Prinsipnya, begitu tanda-tanda tsunami muncul, alat yang ditanam tadi akan mengirimkan informasi sinar laser ke stasiun di pinggir pantai,” paparnya. “Jadi, semua orang di daratan bisa mengantisipasinya,” katanya.

Bambang meyakinkan bahwa alat buatannya itu tak mudah hilang, seperti kasus alat pendeteksi tsunami di beberapa pantai di Indonesia. Kalau tak dihantam ombak, berita yang muncul dicuri nelayan yang usil.

Menurut Bambang, alat itu seperti tongkat yang ditanam di dasar laut. Sedangkan saat ini alat pendeteksi tsunami itu diapungkan dengan buoy. Apabila, buoy hilang dihantam ombak, lenyaplah alat tersebut.

Pria yang mengabdi di LIPI sejak 1987 itu pernah menawarkan temuannya itu ke Bappenas pada 2004. “Saya tunggu belum ada jawaban. Begitu saya kembali ke Jepang lagi, ternyata Aceh dihantam tsunami dahsyat itu,” ungkap lulusan FMIPA Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Jogja itu. Hingga kini, alat Bambang juga masih belum di pakai di Indonesia. Alat tersebut justru populer di Jepang.

Selain menemukan pendeteksi tsunami berbasis laser, Bambang telah menciptakan alat penghancur jarum suntik. Setelah menyuntik pasien, dokter tidak perlu membuang jarumnya ke tempat sampah. Cukup dimasukkan ke alat buatan Bambang, jarum akan melebur menjadi serbuk. Bakteri yang menghuni jarum tadi dipastikan mati. “Banyak alat serupa bikinan luar negeri. Tapi, banyak suster ketakutan, sebab alat itu memancarkan api,” jelasnya.source

Di Acara Kick Andy: Ditanyakan, apakah Dia menyesal kembali ke indonesia mengingat diluar negeri dia bisa mendapat penghasilan yg luar biasa besar(penghargaan yang juga besar tentunya)?

* beliau menjawab: "sedikit menyesal".

Manusia Yang Luar biasa, Yang hanya sedikit mendapat apresiasi dari negaranya sendiri....normalnya, orang2 seperti pak bambang ini harusnya diproritaskan negara, bukan orang2 yg bisanya berkoar-koar banyakan bullshit, tidur dikantor trus ngurusin dana negara yang besar tuk dkorupsi(Dewan...)

GUE aja baru tau ni orang karna nonton kick andy (karna kalah pamor ma panjaitan, desy fajarina, anthony Zeidra, yusuf emir, al amin nasution dan sebangsanya...apa yang telah mreka temukan ya}

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pacar Ngambek? Tenang ada tipsnya...!


>>Beri ia waktu

Jangan berpikir yang nggak-nggak dulu. Bisa jadi dia sedang membutuhkan waktu untuk menenangkan diri dan pikiran.

>>Tanyakan maunya

Daripada kelamaan ngambek yang enggak jelas, lebih baik tanyakan penyebab kemarahannya dan apa yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk meredakannya. Dengarkan setiap ucapannya dengan seksama, jangan buat dia harus mengulangi perkataannya beberapa kali. Itu bisa bikin dia tambah kesal karena merasa omongannya tidak diperhatikan.

>>Pasang rayuan

Orang paling realistis pun, nggak akan tahan dengan rayuan. Tapi jangan coba-coba melancarkan rayuan gombal, kalau ternyata kamu nggak pengen ngeliat pacar tersayang makin naik pitam.

>>Kasih kejutan

Kamu bisa kasih sesuatu yang lagi dia idam-idamkan, misalnya tiket nonton festival Java Jazz atau kirim undangan dinner di restoran favoritnya. Tapi kalo ternyata kondisi kantong sedang tidak memungkinkan, kamu cukup datang ke rumahnya dan menyatakan kekhawatiranmu tentang dirinya yang tak pernah mengirim kabar.

>>Cuekin balik

Belom sukses juga meluluhkan hati pacar yang lagi ngadat? Cuekin dia...! Masih banyak cowo 'n cewe di luar sana, kok. Mendingan kamu cari yang baru. Lagian... emangnya enak dicuekin... ^_^

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Two Fresh Fragrances (man)

When summer hits us you will need a good fragrance to keep you feel fresh. Here are two tips for hot summer days.


Citrus, either lemon or lemon grass has long been popular ingredients in summer fragrances. The new trend seems to be grapefruit that gives a slightly different finish. In combination with spices and wood it makes for perfect masculine summer fragrances.

Z Zegna Cool is really one of these fresh fragrances. Despite a lot of fruit and flowers in the accents it is a really masculine scent. This is probably because of a robust base of wood. Of the fragrances here recommended this is the one with more character.
Z Zegna Cool is launched mid April and recommended price is SEK 485. You have to wait until  May to get your hand on YSL L´Homme Summer. Recommended price for that is SEK 525.


YSL L´Homme Summer is a very mild though fresh summer fragrance and perfect for when you really can´t have something overwhelming on but only wants that light fresh feel almost hard to detect where it origins from.

Friday, February 13, 2009

CoLLeCtiOn oF HuMoUr $tOriEs..^^

A young man was at a party in Scotland fully dressed in his native kilt, every male there was. He had been dancing with several young ladies, but none of them had really interested him. But, there was one girl who he had noticed that he wanted in the worst way. He was shy however and did not have the nerve to ask. Just as the last song was coming on Jill, the girl he fancied, came over and asked him, "Would you like to dance with me?"

Thoroughly pleased the young man responded, "Aye, how could you tell?"

She responded, "By the gleam in your eye."

After they danced the last dance Jill asked him, "Would you like to walk me home?"

The boy was so pleased he eagerly responded, "Aye, how could you tell?"

She responded, "By the gleam in your eye."

When they reached the girls house she calmly asked him, "Would you like to come in and sleep with me?"

He was so excited, he really was curious this time, "Was it the gleam in my eye?"

Jill responded, "No the wee tilt in your kilt."

Test this
A police officer pulls over a Scottish man who's been weaving in and out of the lanes. He goes up to the man's window and says, "Sir, I need you to blow into this breathalyzer tube."
The man says, "Sorry, officer, I can't do that. I am an asthmatic. If I do that, I'll have a really bad asthma attack."
"Okay, fine. I need you to come down to the station to give a blood sample."
"I can't do that either. I am a hemophiliac. If I do that, I'll bleed to death."
"Well, then, we need a urine sample."
"I'm sorry, officer, I can't do that either. I am also a diabetic. If I do that, I'll get really low blood sugar."
"All right, then I need you to come out here and walk this white line."
"I can't do that, officer."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm drunk."

Did you hear about the two Scotsmen who were stopped by the police for being drunk and disorderly? It turned out that the first had been drinking battery acid and the second had been swallowing fireworks.
One was charged and the other was let off.

An American was going for a job interview in the Scottish countryside and on the way out he asked a local farmer for directions:
“Excuse me dude could you possibly tell me the quickest way to London?”
The farmer said: “You driving or walking, lad?”
The American replied: “Driving.”
The farmer nodded, saying:
“Yup, definitely the quickest way”

An American visitor to Lindores Abbey was being shown round by the abbot when a monk shouted out “64!”
All the other monks roared with laughter.
Another then called out “15!” — again much laughter.
“What’s going on?” asked the visitor.
“They know each other’s jokes inside out” said the abbot. “So rather than tell them each time, they’ve numbered them. If one calls out a number, they think of the joke and laugh. Have a go...”
The visitor called out “45!” and there was a small ripple of polite laughter.
“I’m afraid,” said the abbot, “that’s not very funny. Try again.”
So, the visitor called out “56!” and there was uproar.
“Must have been a good joke,” he said.
“Yes,” said the abbot wiping his eyes. “And we’ve never heard it before.”

How many Scottish social workers does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, they form a self help group called: “How to cope with life in the dark.”

What do you call a Scots woman with one leg?

Man Fashion: Casual Business Clothing

Presentation is everything when it comes to business clothing, As everyone should know the first impression is almost important. Hence, right business clothing, be traditional, casual classic, or smart casual can actually help a person's level of confident and chance of being successful too. Therefore, working business men are always in search for ways to differentiate themselves from their peers, and what better way to do it than to look different?

Unless you are in the fashion industry, dressing too faddishly will have your bosses wondering if you are more concerned with your wardrobe than your job. So instead of formal business attire, most of the men mo
ved to Casual Business Clothing.

Three Level of Business Clothing

The new business casual look evolved as Silico
n Valley opened up the world to young entrepreneurs and a more relaxed way of doing business. Casual business clothing comes to three basic levels: classic, smart and relaxed.


Traditional business and Classic casual business clothing is elegant. These two level of business dress call for an elegant, clean fin
ish to your look.

Traditional business wear consists of a suit, shirt and tie. It is the most formal of business attire. The suit is made of well constructed suiting. The suit jacket should always be buttoned up, except when sitting perhaps.

Casual business classic is a small step down from traditional. It works best when you want to create an overall impression of professionalism, authority, dependability. The jacket is the key in casual business classic fashion. But bear in mind that it should not match your trousers, as that will dress it up to the traditional level.

This casual business classic clothing style is most suitable if your business is based in outdoor lifestyles and products.

Casual Business Smart Style

Casual business smart works best when you want to create an overall impression of accessibility, friendliness, competence, creativity.

So for this look, you only need a neat trousers and a shirt. If you happen to have a jacket with you, remember to loosen the jacket to create the dress down effect.

Casual Business Relaxed Style
Casual business relaxed look are most welcome on end of the week, ie. Friday. The key item is denim. This is the most relaxed form of dressing and should only be worn when you are definitely not expecting to meet any clients. However, Casual Business Relaxed Clothing are also well received by technology group of people working in Silicon Valley.

About Bali

Bali’s varied landscape of hills and mountains, rugged coastlines and sandy beaches, lush rice terraces and barren volcanic hillsides provide a picturesque backdrop to the colorful and deeply spiritual culture of this "Island of The Gods." First discovered by an international community of traveling surfers and hippies, you can party til dawn in the beachside clubs at Kuta and then sleep on the long, wide beach the next day. For a calmer, more spiritual escape, you can check out the temple sites on Bangli, scuba dive in the global center of bio-diversity off the coast of the island, shop in the unique markets, or simply spend your days swaying in a beachside hammock. From outdoor activities to spiritual escapes to beach relaxation, Bali has a lot to offer travelers with a spirit for adventure and a desire to see one of the most beautiful islands in the world. No matter what your travel style or budget is for your trip to Bali, there are lots of options for travelers to customize their dream vacation. We’ve got some great deals on airfare to Bali. Once you’ve got your ticket booked, you can check out the many accommodation options on the island which you can both read about and book right here on our site and range from luxury resorts, to cheap, backpacker hostels, mid-range hotels, villas and guest houses.

So, you’ve got your ticket in hand, your hotel booked and now you need some ideas on what to do when you arrive in Bali. Want to scuba dive among some of the most impressive sea life in the world? Surf some of the best waves in warm waters? Hang out at the beach? Or maybe you’d like to sign up for a tour to get the most out of your trip to Bali. Whatever you’re looking for, we’ve got it here. In the pages of WhyGo Bali, you’ll find everything you need to plan your trip to this Indonesian island of paradise. Whether you are on the hunt for the best deals on your airfare or you’d like to get the inside scoop on hotel and hostel options in Kuta or Lombok, you’ll find all the best resources just a click away. Want to know how to navigate the local culture and find the hidden gems most guidebooks skip? We’ve got the most comprehensive guide on Bali out in the world of the wide web, with experts who have lived and traveled there giving you tips, information and ideas on how to make the most of your trip to Bali. So, join our community of Bali lovers and travelers, pack your swimsuit, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Kelemahan dan Keunggulan Blackberry curve 8900 (javelin)

Anda tentu pernah mendengar nama BlackBerry Javelin. Ya, ponsel terbaru RIM ini akan segera mendatangi berbagai tempat di belahan dunia sebagai kompetitor utama produk ponsel bisnis. Ditahbiskan sebagai Curve 8900, ponsel ini akan menggantikan seri 8300 yang sangat sukses dengan ukuran yang pas di genggaman. Saingan keras diperkirakan akan datang dari produk terbaru Nokia Eseries, E71, E66, dan upcoming E63.

Sepintas Anda akan mengatakan bahwa Javelin ini sangat mirip dengan pendahulunya, BlackBerry Bold. Betul, Javelin dan Bold memiliki form factor yang hampir sama, begitu juga dengan User Interface-nya. Memang keduanya menggunakan BB OS versi terbaru, yaitu 4.6 (Javelin lebih advance keluarannya).

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Javelin

Apa sebenarnya kelebihan Javelin dibanding Bold? Selain bentuknya yang lebih kecil, Javelin juga memiliki RAM yang 2 kali lebih besar (256 vs 128 MB), keypad yang penataannya lebih nyaman, kualitas hasil kamera yang lebih bagus, serta firmware yang–katanya–lebih stabil.

Meskipun demikian, Javelin juga memiliki “kekurangan”, di antaranya adalah ketidaksediaan fitur 3G (hanya menggunakan GPRS dan EDGE), kecepatan prosesor yang lebih lambat dibanding Bold, dan kemasan belakang (back cover) yang mewah ala Bold. RIM sebagai pembuat BlackBerry tentunya tidak ingin ada proses “saling membunuh” di antara ponsel-ponsel buatannya. Diferensiasi dalam hal ini tetap diperlukan.

Javelin di Indonesia?

Jadi kapan Javelin benar-benar diluncurkan? Beberapa situs gadget di luar sudah melansir berita bahwa Javelin akan segera (baca: Desember) diluncurkan di kawasan Eropa. Dan karena teman saya yang kebetulan bekerja di suatu operator GSM sedang melakukan testing terhadap Javelin, saya yakin bahwa selambat-lambatnya ponsel ini akan mulai ditawarkan pada akhir Januari (atau mungkin awal Februari) tahun depan. Bagaimana dengan harga? Saya yakin harganya tidak akan lebih mahal dari Bold, nantinya. Dengan segmentasi sebagai pengganti Curve seri 8300, seharusnya harga 6 jutaan adalah harga yang “cukup pas”.

Apakah BlackBerry Javelin cukup menarik untuk menguras kantong Anda?